From the tiniest blooms to the thickest leaves, plants color our planet in vibrant shades. Many answers to life questions linger just underneath the surface of these incredible natural wonders, and each plant has a rich story, just waiting for you to uncover. It's okay to talk to your plants; just make sure to listen to their story as well.
Whether you are storing a large jungle leaf or a sprig of unknown plant matter, your specimens deserve to be kept safe and well preserved in a trusted environment.
Safely Store Specimens
Our herbarium storage cabinets are designed to preserve all sizes, shapes, and types of herbarium specimens. Our mechanically attached silicone gaskets, in combination with our flush locking hardware, will protect your samples from light, dust, water, insects, rodents, and accidental disturbances from other people in your lab, office, or home.
Features and Specifications Comparison
We offer three cabinet designs to provide you with precisely what you need for your line of work. We also offer a design to order herbarium series.

Talk to an expert
Our storage solutions are customized to meet your specific needs and conditions. Leveraging our in-depth experience in museum storage, we provide expert guidance to help you select the ideal solution for your project. Our team of specialists is ready to support you!